Alfred University News

Riley Lecture in Women’s and Gender Studies will be presented April 4 at Alfred University

The Twenty-Eighth Annual Elizabeth and Charles P. Riley Lecture in Women's and Gender Studies will be held on Tuesday, April 4, at 5:30 p.m. in Olin 302. Katrina Kimport, University of California, San Francisco, the Riley Lecturer, will give a talk titled "No Real Choice: How Culture and Politics Matter for Reproductive Autonomy.”

Kimport is a professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at UC-San Francisco, where she serves as a medical sociologist in the Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH—pronounced like “answer”) Program.  Her research examines the (re)production of inequality in health and reproduction, with a topical focus on abortion, contraception, and pregnancy. 

She has published over 75 articles in sociology, health research, and interdisciplinary journals. Kimport is also the author of three books: No Real Choice: How Culture and Politics Matter for Reproductive Autonomy (2022, Rutgers), Queering Marriage: Challenging Family Formation in the United States (2014, Rutgers), and, with co-author Jennifer Earl, Digitally Enabled Social Change (2011, MIT).

 Those attending the Riley Lecture will gather in Olin 302 at 5:30 p.m., when Kimport will join virtually to give her talk. A reception will be held after the lecture in Olin 301. Those wishing to hear the lecture, but who cannot attend in person, please contact Karen Porter at for the virtual meeting registration link.

The Riley Lecture is named for Alfred University graduates Charles Riley ’35 and Elizabeth Hallenbeck Riley ’36, a local activist involved in women's rights issues. Their daughters, Pamela Riley Osborn ’62, Patricia A. Riley ’65, and Melissa Riley sponsor the lecture series in memory of their parents.